Sunday, 15 November 2009


Recently, I have been really interested in German Romanticism, and as part of my German A Level course, I have done some extra work at home comprising of some translation of German poetry. Here is my favourite. The translation was all my own work, and the poem itself was written by the German Poet: Friedrick Rückert.


Original German:

Du meine Seele, du mein Herz,
Du meine Wonne, du mein Schmerz,
Du meine Welt, in der ich lebe,
Mein Himmel du, darein ich schwebe.
O du mein Grab, in das hinab,
Ich ewig meinem Kummer gab!
Du bist die Ruh, du bist der Frieden,
Du bist der Himmel mir beschieden.
Daß du mich liebst, macht mich mir Wert,
Dein Blick hat mich vor mich verklärt,
Du hebst mich liebend über mich,
Mein guter Geist, mein beßres ich!

Poetic me :)

You are my soul, my heart,
You are my bliss, my painful dart,
You are the world in which I abide,
You are the heaven through which I glide,
O you are my grave, which lies below,
To this I relinquish my eternal woe!
You are the rest, the harmony,
You are like the humble sky to me.
It is your love that gives me grace,
Your glance transforms me, gives me face.
With your love you lift me on high,
You are my good spirit, my better I.

There I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did translating it. I think it is a lovely poem. I think that when you read it, it will make you think of someone you love or have a bit of a crush on ;P hehe.

Yeah, thats about it for the mo. :D
Love you all a lot,
Joey xx