Sunday 21 June 2009

Oliver Twist

Well I wanted to give you all an update on what happened on Friday.

It was a lovely day. We went to the cinema and saw the new Transformers film, which I have to say, I enjoyed immensely. We shared a coke and had Maltesers which was nice. It was really good just spending time with him. I tried so many times to slip my hand into his, but I couldn't bring my self to do it, I couldn't. I don't know what stopped me.

I suppose it was fear. I was scared at what he was going to say. I didn't know whether or not he would just completely reject me as both a friend and something more. Again I tried to tell him, but my mouth caught in my throat and I would instead say something stupid like:

"Film's good," or "Malteser?"

It wasn't good, I felt as though I would never tell him or I would be forever trying to tell him. But whilst I was sitting there, next to him, in the crowded theatre I decided that when we went back to mine, and had some food I would tell him there, as I did not have to fear people over hearing and I could take my time. Also, I was enjoying the film, and I didn't really want to miss any of it :P

So, once the film had concluded and we had got back to mine, and I had showed him around and the like, we went to watch some television in my room. We put on some trashy comedy show and just chatted for a bit. I remember my heart pounding so hard in my chest that I thought Oliver would hear! I didn't quite know what to say. I pondered and thought about different ways of saying it. What would be the right way that didn't sound too cheesy or corny. I decided that I would be blunt, I felt that it would be the best way and I thought it would be easier than dropping it into a conversation where it might not be possible to soften the blow.

So I thought "fuck it", and this is what followed.

(Might just add that I have never been so scared in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!)

"Oliver, can I tell you something?"

"Sure mate," he replied

"...I'm gay."

Just like that. I had said it. It just sort of came out, again as it seems with so many things I say at the moment, that it hadn't quite sunk in for me that I had told Oliver, the boy I have a huge crush on, that I am a poooof. :/

It was a real shock for him I think.

"What?" He said, looking dumbfounded (and very cute I concluded, in that confused state)

"I'm gay." I repeated.

Then he was quiet, for what seemed like FOREVER. I think his mind must have been whizzing about a bit. After a while, he asked, quite calmly,
"Who else knows", and I told him who did, and he just nodded his head.
It was quite awkward, because I, even though I was really pleased that I had told him, was worried that he still could throw it back in my face.

But he seemed to take it quite well I thought. He did say that he had absolutely no idea, that was what surprised me most about his reaction. All those things where I thought he was flirting with me, the hugging and the little smiles, all are just demonstrations of friendship and I have concluded that Oliver is very much an affectionate person, with everyone, and I think that I was just hoping that he would be gay also, and I wanted it to be like something out of a romantic film.

But hey ho
There you go

Life isn't a fairy tale (no pun intended :D ). But he accepts me and he says that he won't tell anyone and our friendship will not change just because I am gay. Which I think is really really REALLY good, and such a huge relief that makes me smile when I think about it.

I am seeing him on Tuesday, and we are meeting up again soon hopefully.

I feel much better about everything now, myself as a person as someone whose opinion I value accepts me and doesn't hold anything against me for it and I don't have to lie to him anymore which is really relieving feeling I must say.

Well, on the whole it went well :D

It is a shame that he is not "that way inclined", but we can win them all.

Love and kisses,
J xxx


  1. Awe, I am so proud of you. I am also extremely happy it turned out well, maybe not as good as we hoped, but still, great.


  2. Many, many congratulations!

    You're a brave gay guy! You've told who? Your best friend? Who you thought might just be gay? Only he either isn't or is still so confused he won't react properly.

    You've done really well and I'm so pleased you feel like that! The best thing is that he didn't smack your face or something.

    Life is getting to be better and more honest, isn't it? I mean - you're old enough to screw with (almost) whoever you want. You shouldn't have to be nervous about your sexual orientation, should you? Not any more.

    If you want to talk more you're very welcome to email me.

  3. Congratulations! :)
    I was crossing my fingers that everything worked out fine while reading this post.

    You can be really happy about being out to a boy who you just make friends with, who is ok with you being gay and above all, who you have a crush on. I also think it was very courageous to just speak frankly to him about a topic that could have just the same broken off your friendship.

    Please keep us posted. :)


  4. I'm glad he took it well.

    I think often we take things other guys do as indications that they are gay because we want them to be gay and because if we did those things it would be because we are gay.

    But it's great that even though he isn't gay, he's still comfortable with you.

  5. Joe

    it was a very brave thing you did and i am happy it worked out so well for you, no he is not like us but apparently he is ok with you and that has to count a lot for you

    take care and be safe


  6. I'm glad it went so well for you. It's really great to hear he's okay with it.

  7. Gratz on taking your courage in both hands and being open with your friend. It sounds so similar to an event in my life, but you took that step years before I did, so well done you.

    G =]

  8. Great to hear things turned out well :)

  9. Congratulations!

    Yeah I know my comment is kinda late :P

    So I tagged you in a little game.

    So if you want to, you can take part :)


  10. Ah well done! :) and good luck for your future boy dilemmas.
    A good blog you've got yourself here. I'll be following :)

  11. *high-5* :)

    so pleased you did this. i can imagine what it felt like as those words slipped out, and half of your brain was thinking 'did i actually just say that!'

    i hope he holds true to his word and your friendship doesn't change


  12. Whoa, found out.

    *sigh*, I was really rooting for you guys too. That takes some guts ;D
    I'm proud, but yet I barely even know you. :)

    ~Best of wishes~
