Monday 11 May 2009


Currently sitting up in bed, can't sleep. Thinking:

Exams!!! So soon, two days :S Bit scared really. Although I have done the revision and I think that I will pull it out of the bag on the day, hopefully. Its strange to think that in about 5 weeks they will all be over, and I will have the whole summer to do nothing but relax. At least there is that to look forward to.

I would really like someone...I need someone just to cuddle into. Hmmf. Doesn't seem to be happening. I suppose that I will find that "special person", but it always seems as though he is never going to turn up.
Alas. One day...soon hopefully.

Why can't I sleep?
I'm tired, really tired. I can feel my eyes drooping. Yet sleeps eludes me. Don't know what to do, carry on writing I suppose :]

Now I wonder whether you, the person who is reading this is thinking "What is the point of these ramblings?" Well dearest reader, I have no idea! they are simply me typing away about whats on my mind. Must seem really boring eh?


1 comment:

  1. Not boring at all. :)

    I know the feeling about wanting someone to cuddle. Sometimes it just feels like it would make all your problems go away...

    Well good luck with the exams!

    And good luck with the new blog too! :D

