Sunday 17 May 2009

Spread the Love

Earlier, I looked at the topic of beauty.
I have been thinking a lot about love recently too. Well, mainly because I want somebody :/
But the concept of love is an interesting one. I find it intriguing the way that two people, who are born at different times in different places, have different sets of chromosomes and like completely different things, can fall in love. They form a bond, in many cases which cannot be broken. It supersedes all other emotions, whilst they may still argue displaying emotions of anger or loathing, somehow they will seem to come back together again. It is almost as if the two are connected by an invisible tether that is unbreakable.
But where does love come from? Are there different types of love?

The second question is much easier to answer. It is a categorical yes, there are in fact three different types of love. Let us explore these:

The first is Eros. This is erotic love. It is a very physical love, and one that is expressed through sex and physical expressions of love. I'm sure we have all felt that physical, sexual urge to be with someone. That's eros kicking in!

The second is a more subtle form, called Philos. This is the love shown between friends. It is true that all relationships both sexual and non sexual start out as a friendship. This form of love makes you want to spend time with people, simply because you enjoy spending time with them. This love is apparent between friends, siblings and colleagues.

The third type of love, that theologians and philosophers have named is Agape. This is unconditional love. This love is the sort of love a mother will have for her child, or if we look to the religious world, the sort of love that God demonstrates to his subjects. Agape is the one type of love that people would die for and is the one type of
love that people will try above all else to keep.

These three types of love, have been distinguished by theologians and they form a basis for the understanding of feelings one person may have for another. The first question that popped into my head as I started typing this, was where does love come from? My initial thought was, well surely it must just exist. Separate from everything else. LOVE. But then maybe the world is saturated with love, and the love we feel is the love that generally surrounds us, like a cloud. But that sounds a bit weird. Perhaps it is more deeply rooted within us. Do we all contain a certain desire and capacity for love, both an animalistic urge and a spiritual ache for companionship. This companion is often referred to as a "soul mate".

But how can you tell if the person you perhaps bump into in the supermarket is possibly your soul mate? The old cliche "Love at first sight" seems appropriate here and maybe it is true. Maybe when you meet the person, then some part of you will know, perhaps your two souls intertwine, perhaps they give of some kind of mystical energy (and no, I'm not crazy!!! :D:D), or maybe you don't know instantly. Perhaps it takes time for the realisation to occur.
It must be like the realisation that you are gay. You don't just know, it takes time for you to come to terms with it, and understand it implications. During this period perhaps it is when we begin to understand who we really are. Our souls may know, but perhaps we don't for reasons, I cannot explain.

But we do know when we are in love I would say. I think that the falling in love process may be more subtle and may perhaps go undetected, but once you are in love and you know you are then everything changes. Now as a mere 16 year old boy, I don' t really think that I have experienced true love. I have experienced infatuation, but not true love. Or perhaps I have, and I haven't realised it yet. Maybe that love is lurking, deeply rooted in my subconsciousness and ready to one day pop up and say

"YOOOHOO!!! Here I am!"

These emotions we have for other people are strange ones. I don't think anyone can ever exactly say where love comes from, but we can certainly feel its effects.

I think and I really do believe that when you are in love you know it. Whether it is Eros, Philos or Agape that love will be apparent to you, and when you find your soul mate, I hope that both you and I realise it, grab them and never let them go.

Well another rant about a topic that I can only scratch the surface of!!

Do you guys like posts like this??

Love, J


  1. This is a great post.

    Often people use the phrase "in love" to mean infatuation. I'm glad that you realize the difference. There is also a difference between love and sexual attraction. Even eros is more than that initial attraction — more personal, not automatic.

    I think that love at first sight happens sometimes. Other times love develops only slowly from acquaintance. But even love at first sight will need time to deepen and blossom into true philia and/or agape.

  2. I love posts like this.

    You asked some great questions. I can't answer them but I wonder if anybody can. Love is an interesting thing because defining, and describing it is hard. Feeling it is a little easier (hopefully, lol).

  3. So, you're quasi out. Are you virgin?

  4. Yes I think that quasi out is a good way of defining me :)
    Technically yes I am virgin. Although I fooled around with one of my mates when I was younger, nothing serious though. Does that answer your question?

    J xx

  5. I love this post Joe (no pun intended, really!).

    I imagine that we've all experienced Philos, but I've never experienced the other two.

    They class Eros as erotic *love*, but In my experience it's been more like erotic *lust*. That's all I'll say on that one ;) Lol!

    As for Agape... alas, no such experience :(

    Thanks for a brilliant post, I missed this one earlier!


  6. I agree completely with “naturgesetz”, this is a great post.
